Hosting guests during Level 3 Lockdown.

Posted on Thu June 11, 2020.

We are ready to host!
You don’t need a certificate, permit or permission letter to open on Level 3.
But you may only host guests allowed to travel (no leisure).
We pledge to operate according to the industry guidelines and protocols for hygiene and safety during the Covid-19 pandemic.

You don’t need a certificate, permit or permission letter to open on Level 3.
But you may only host guests allowed to travel (no leisure).

The Industry prescribe the following safety rules to adhere to.

1.Require all guests or visitors to wear cloth or other suitable masks at all times. They don’t have to wear masks in the privacy of an accommodation unit or room, while eating and drinking, or when in connected small travel groups  in open space situations (e.g. family or friends traveling together).

2.Get Screening and Contact Details:
Get the name and contact details; information with respect to trip details (for tracking post-stay); COVID-19 status and risk profile; and answers to COVID-19 screening questions from all guests staying in properties.
(NightsBridge note:  If you’re not going to have contact with the guest, e.g in the case of self-catering units where the guest just collects the key, then a shortened form can be completed before the guest arrives.)

Take Temperature:
Take and record the temperature of all guests daily, unless there is no guest contact with staff on check-in and/or during the days of their travel or stay.

Guest Briefing:
Ensure that all guests are adequately informed, via either leaflets, signs, posters, apps and/or briefings of the COVID-19 operating protocols, why they are necessary and how they affect them.

Use Less Paper:
Handling of items must be minimised with use of online reservations, e-check-in and e-check-out, and any types of non-contact processing to reduce the need for proximity of people and touching.

Cash handling should be minimised or eliminated.

If a guest or staff  member handles paper, cash, pens etc, hand sanitising should happen immediately afterwards.